Camino Digital
This is My graduation project for the DogTime program at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy.
Here, I use our digital history to bring everyday (digital) objects to the centre of the aesthetic experience.
Frozen Gradient
This is an immersive art installation that combines AI technology, relational architecture, and minimalistic aesthetics. It aims to captivate audiences with a mesmerising display of dynamic gradients and an AI-generated soundscape.
It was specially created for the KunstKraftWerk venue in Leipzig
Interactive Bauhaus
Work in progress.
An investigation to bring movement and interactivity to geometric compositions inspired by the Bauhaus.
This is part of my graduation project for the Rietveld Academy
Studio 1111 – VJ System
Designed a generative visual system for VJ-ing at Studio 1111, adaptable for both autonomous operation and live collaboration with a DJ. The content generation can be modified in real-time and still performs for the club’s high-resolution projection (16,968 x 1,200).
HVA Immersive Lab
I collaborated with the HvA to set up their Immersive lab.
Developed several custom components in TouchDesigner so that students and staff could easy project content into the lab, and could benefit from AI developments to build spatial interactions.
Color Horizonts
Work in Progress
An investigation to put technology itself at the core of the aesthetic experience.
This is part of my graduation project for the Rietveld Academy
TouchDesigner Certification
Under construction
This is the project for the TouchDesigner certification of 2023 at the Node Institute – Berlin
The briefing was to make an audio-reactive animation inspired by Vaporwave. The deliverables should include an interface to control several visual elements. A car’s 3D model was provided and had to be incorporated into the final delivery.
2022 – 2021
Click on the image to navigate to the works.
End semester presentation Gerrit Rietveld Academie – DOGTIME (2 year) – Summer 2020
Reenactment Dan Graham’s work
This is the documentation of the process leading to the reenactment of Dan Graham’s work “Performer/Audience/Mirror”.
This reenactment was part of the class “Forensic Aesthetics” at the DogTime program of the Gerrit Rietlveld Acedemy. Lecturer: Willem van Weelden.
The work was presented at LIMA, Amsterdam on January 2020.
Generative Coding
This will be added soon
This will be added soon
agumented Reality
Some of my works on AR

Fine Arts
This will be added soon